Martin Luther King Jr. Memorial Park

MLK Memorial Park

Martin Luther King Jr. Memorial Park is located just north of downtown in the Northside neighborhood. This one-acre park has open grassy areas with bench lined walkways that meet in the center and form a circle around a Martin Luther King Jr. memorial statue. Martin Luther King Jr. visited Kalamazoo in 1963 and spoke on social justice at WMU’s Read Field.

Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. Memorial Park is adopted by the Kalamazoo Junior Girls, who started volunteering their time to beautify the park after it was rededicated in 1987.

2021 Renovations

Renovations were completed at MLK Memorial Park in 2021. New Hawthorne trees were planted on the south edge of the park, sidewalks were repaired, new stamped concrete walkways were added, electrical utilities were improved, and new trash cans and benches were installed. The marker along Rose Street was also repaired. The statue of Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. was previously cleaned and sealed in 2020.

Input was sought for this project in 2020 from the Northside Association for Community Development, the Kalamazoo Junior Girls, and the Parks & Recreation Advisory Board. Concept plans were developed and vetted through these groups to ensure the improvements would benefit the park and address the community’s needs.


507 N Rose Street, Kalamazoo 49007  View Map

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